











The Faculty of Economics, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED) was established by the Minister of Higher Education and Science Decree (Pendidikan Tinggi dan Ilmu Pengetahuan) No. 127 of 1963 dated October 9, 1963. At that time the Faculty of Economics UNSOED was still located in the Purwokerto Lor Village Hall and the Arts building. In that era Unsoed offered the field of study in Corporate Economics and Agricultural Economics. Most of the teaching staff came from Gajah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta. The Faculty of Economics moved to the Kalibakal Building in 1971 to 1983. The Faculty of Economics gave the first graduate degree in 1974 as many as 24 students through examinations conducted by lecturers from UGM. In 1975, the Faculty of Economics was able to be independent from UGM guidance and use teaching staff from Jenderal Soedirman University. In 1984, the Faculty of Economics moved again to a new building on UNSOED Campus located in Grendeng Purwokerto. After that, UNSOED succeeded in opening and organizing study programs such as development economics, management and accounting. 

The Faculty of Economics opened the Diploma Three Education Program (D3) which was then known as the Corporate Administration Expert Education Program (Pendidikan Ahli Administrasi Perusahaan atau PAAP). PAAP was established with the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture No. 052 / DJ / Kept. / 1982 dated November 17, 1983. PAAP has two study programs, that are Financial Administration Study Program and Secretariat Study Program. The teaching staff are from the Faculty of Economics and several practitioners in Purwokerto. In 1994, the Faculty of Economics opened a Non Regular Program (Extension) education for the Management Study Program based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia No. 102 / DIKTI / Kep / 1994 dated April 19, 1994. In the 1997/1998 academic year the Faculty of Economics opened 1 (one) new D3 study program, that is D3 Accounting Study Program with the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 101 / DIKTI / Kep / 1998. The 2001/2002 academic year UNSOED opened the Diploma Three of International Business Study Program with the Decree of the Director General of National Education No. 1851 / D / T / 2001. In the 2006/2007 academic year through the Unsoed Chancellor Decree No. Kept. 205 / J23 / KP / 2006 The Faculty of Economics opens and promotes the International class.





Tahun 2034 Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis UNSOED diakui dunia sebagai pengembangan bisnis dan ekonomi daerah.


  • Melaksanakan pendidikan yang berkelanjutan untuk menciptakan lulusan yang bermoral, berdedikasi akademik dan profesional, mempunyai keunggulan kompetitif, mampu memimpin, dan adaptif.
  • Melaksanakan penelitian berkelanjutan untuk pengembangan ilmu dan kebijakan ekonomi yang sesuai dengan perkembangan perekonomian serta menyebarluaskan hasil-hasilnya kepada masyarakat.
  • Melaksanakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat selaras dengan pembangunan ekonomi daerah serta menyebarluaskan hasil-hasilnya kepada masyarakat.


Menghasilkan dan mengembangkan tenaga ahli di bidang ekonomi yang dapat melaksanakan tugas-tugas secara profesional, maupun menggali dan memecahkan masalah-masalah daerah dan peduli terhadap lingkungan, dinamis serta berwawasan global. 


  • Meningkatnya kualitas proses belajar mengajar untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang berlandaskan agama, berprestasi akademik dan profesional, mempunyai keunggulan kompetitif, memiliki kemampuan memimpin, dan adaptif terhadap perkembangan jaman.
  • Meningkatnya kualitas dosen dan pengajarannya.
  • Meningkatnya kuantitas dan kualitas penelitian serta publikasi yang relevan dengan misi fakultas.
  • Meningkatnya kuantitas dan kualitas pengabdian kepada masyarakat serta publikasi yang relevan dengan Misi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis UNSOED.
  • Meningkatnya kualitas tenaga administratif dan pelayanannya.
  • Meningkatnya arus masuk dana pengembangan fakultas.
  • Meningkatnya kesejahteraan dosen dan karyawan administratif di lingkungan fakultas.
  • Terbentuknya susunan sistem kerja yang adaptif, efisien dan efektif.